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The Eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ Our Lord


SKU: WTK0004 Category:


by Elder W.A. “Sonny” Pyles

Throughout church history the eternal nature of the Sonship of our Lord Jesus Christ has been questioned, refuted, and attacked. The denial of Jesus’ Eternal Sonship is one of the earliest heresies the church faced. As early as the days of the Apostle John this truth had to be defended, and the word of God, by Divine inspiration equipped God’s people to defend against this heresy.

Sadly, even in our own day there are those that would question our Lord’s Eternal Sonship. In the 1970’s and 1980’s this doctrine was under attack by some bearing the name Primitive Baptist, and so our dear friend and brother, Elder Sonny Pyles, felt compelled to write this defense of the glorious truth that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God.

In this work, Br. Pyles sets forth the truth of Jesus’ Eternal Sonship concisely. Much like his preaching was for the average person in the pew (and yet could stir the mind of the greatest of theologians), Br. Pyles wrote in such a way that the average person reading could readily grasp the truths he wrote about.

Before Br. Pyles left this world, he gave Elder Chris Crouse permission to republish this writing, which is being done under the efforts of Worship the King Hymnal Corporation.

We are indebted to Br. Pyles for this clear and concise defense. Also, we will long be grateful for his unwavering defense of the whole counsel of God during his many years of public ministry.

Additional information

Weight .80625 lbs
Dimensions 9.25 × 6.26 × .625 in


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